The forth training program of the BuildDigiCraft project is dedicated to the topic “Craft and Craftsmanship”. It took place virtually from the 29th November to the 3rd December, 2021.
The training programme is understood as an Intensive Study Programme (ISP) that allows PhD students and advanced Master students from around the Baltic Sea to come together, exchange and reflect collectively on the aspects of craft, digitalization and Baukultur, both in a broader context and from the perspective of their individual (doctoral) projects.
The main questions addressed during the training programme were:
What is Baukultur in the digital age? What is the essence of the digital revolution in respect to the shaping of the built environment?
How do we design, build and maintain the built environment based on craftsmanship, data and algorithms? What are the qualities of craftsmanship, what is the essence of craft and craft-based production that we would like to transfer to the future digital shaping of the built environment?
The methodological approach of the project as well as of the ISP4 reflects the understanding that the shaping of the built environment is a result of complex and diverse PROCESSES and includes design, planning, construction and maintenance. Generally speaking, these processes are influenced by the available KNOWLEDGE and understanding of MATERIALITY. As a result, the project and ISP3 outputs will be developed reflecting these three perspectives: process, knowledge, material.