ISP1: Concepts and Fundamentals


Under the motto “Concepts and Fundamentals” the first Training Programme within the BuildDigiCraft project took place virtually on October 19th–22nd.  The training programme is understood as an Intensive Study Programme (ISP) that allows PhD students and advanced Master students from around the Baltic Sea to come together, exchange and reflect collectively on the aspects of craft, digitalization and Baukultur, both in a broader context and from the perspective of their individual (doctoral) projects.

The main questions that were addressed during the training programme were: What is Baukultur in the digital age? What is craft and how can crafting techniques and materiality are transferred in the digital world? What is the essence of the digital revolution in respect to the shaping of the built environment?

The four-day training programme included input from renown experts in the field of architecture, civil engineering, urban futures and philosophy as well as various participatory tasks and workshop activities, which will allow for an intensive and fruitful interaction between all participants.

This training programme was the first of four training events, which have be organized between 2020–2022 within the thematic framework of the BuildDigiCraft project. The next three training programmes will be run under the following mottos: Digital Reality, Craft and Craftsmanship, Re-think Baukultur in the Digital Age.

The first event will be held virtually, in compliance with the COVID-19 rules.



The documentation and an overview of the results of the ISP1 can be downloaded here.